Thursday, November 6, 2014

Long Overdue

So I've been a bit MIA lately and felt I needed to post some long-overdue photos.  Here are some of my favorites from the last few years:


My grandfather used to wake me up around 4 o'clock in the morning to read comics to me when I was little.  I snagged this shot while we were winding down for the night, the Times-Picayune in his hand just as I always picture him.

This is from the "camp" where we stay when we go fish the bay.  I say "camp" because the place is super nice.  Anyway, this photo's unedited.  I walked outside and the humidity blurred my lens, making this one dreamy landscape.

Little brother in the backseat.  Another family memory of him always passing out cold whenever he's in a car :)

This.  This and my dad all excited to get out there and hit a school of trout are what I wake up super early for.  Not Christmas (those presents aren't going anywhere!  I can have a great Christmas at 9 AM too!), not doughnuts, not even a great sunrise, but fishing.  It hurts, I'm not gonna lie; sometimes I just want to go for the evening fish and stay in bed for another few hours.  Once you're out in the brisk wind though, the bay ahead so glassy it looks like the edge of the world where it meets the sky, you know you're in for a good day.  The anticipation of pulling fish after fish on board with just enough time to bait your hook while hearing various members of my family yell, "FISH ON" from the boats...This picture sums it up for me.

My dad and Step mom are the ones who make a lot of this fun Louisiana business happen, and they were kind enough to invite us out for St. Patrick's Day, where we got to throw a metric ton of beads at people.  This photo is around 9:30 in the morning on the street where all of the parade participants go to get toasted before getting on the floats.  I swear that New Orleans is a whole other world of its own.

These need no explanation!  Between the shirt and the eyeball you can figure out why I posted them.

Two words:  COOK DAT!


In a family that's spread out all across the globe, I'm very fortunate to have my brother live close to me.  When it gets hot in Texas, we seek water!

This is from the same day as above.  There is beauty out here that is so unique.  No sweeping mountains or anything, but a rustic and lovely quality to Texas :)


The men in the other part of my family.  I like that the wide-angle lens made their legs all look crazy long.

This is my super-cute niece-dog Tevah!  She's such a good pup.  I love this picture of her chilling with us while we were rock climbing at Reimer's Ranch.

Jhet with his cousin's son.  I love this one.

The newlyweds :)  Congratulations to my sweet friend and her new man!  They are stinkin' cute together.

Brother-in-law on the roof, husband on the bench, dog on the prowl.  This is at a lookout I've been going to with my family since I was little bitty.

Costa Rica:

We went to Costa Rica in May of 2014 and had a freaking blast.  Our two friends accompanied us on the journey and it was loads of fun.  We drove through clouds (for real), learned Spanish (sorta), relaxed so hard our faces melted, and got to experience a wonderful and gorgeous place.  I'd do it again in a heartbeat.

This is one of my favorite shots from Costa Rica.  We stopped to eat our first lunch (which we ordered in terrible Spanish) in this amazing little town.  No, I'm not listing the name of it.  I'm keeping it for myself.  Anyway, they have these amazing topiary garden in the center of town, and this little dude was riding his bike through the arches.  

My favorite shot of Frankie from the trip.  Oh, and we were driving through a cloud... just sayin'.

Jhet in the Rio Celeste.  Yes, the water is that blue, no Photoshop there... It has certain minerals in it that turn it sky blue like that!  Costa Rica is seriously a magical country.

Jhet took this one and I really like it, even though Frankie's HIDING!  She does that a lot!  As a side note, I had to throw those shoes away before we left because nothing dries in Costa Rica, so they got real nahhhsty.

El Ceibo, a Rain forest giant.  That thing stretches into the clouds, 40 meters (131 ft) and is over 400 years old.  Don't forget Jhet is 6'5" for scale.  Frankie took this one.

BRETT BRETT BRETTBRETTBRETT  I know this isn't my best shot on here but I just love the face he made... It's so Brett!

Too many things going on here to talk about them all but needless to say this is my favorite vacation yet!
Frankie gets photo credits for this one at Mount Arenal!  Still active and you're not allowed up to the summit...

I'll leave you here for now and start Part II soon.  Love y'all.

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