Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Kickin' it in 2017: A Review of 2016 Happenings!

Dudes and dudettes, let me just say that it was a hell of a year last year; in good ways and bad.  I feel like I've truly been thrown into adulthood: turning 30 (WHAT?!), owning a house, selling a business (yay!), a slow recovery from wisdom teeth removal, and trying to pursue life dreams (I know, half of y'all are like, "wait 'till you have kids").  We lost some people that we love so much, and gained love for each other in ways we didn't know we needed.

Our trip to the UK for a second time was beautiful, peaceful and much needed after the chaos of selling the business and training the buyer.  I feel like we were at a pinnacle of stress in our lives and marriage we hadn't reached before, and the 21 days we spent overseas was a blessing of recovery and soul healing we needed more than we knew.
Us on the Succoth Loop outside Arrochar, Scotland (The B&B is behind M's head on the left)
I make it sound like 2016 was dark and ominous, but really we had some amazing times!  My birthday was so much fun, and it really blew my mind how many people came out to celebrate.  It meant a ton to me to see everyone together over some great food and good conversations, just hanging out in the back yard.

Mardi Gras/Crawfish Boil for M's 30th!

 We did some super fun stuff last year here in the States as well.  It's been really great having some family nearby, and getting sibling time :)  Here's a few from the past year of our random adventures!

Jhet, Hope, Gilbert and Marissa driving to Mardi Gras!
Gilby and I (well, my feet anyway) at Bull Creek in Austin

London and me at the Austin Kite Festival in March

Camping in Boerne with the Brazils
We loved going to Mardi Gras, and Hope and Whitney got engaged during one of the parades which was so sweet!! I'm ecstatic that we got to be a part of it all.  We were back in N.O. for Carlo's wedding, and had a blast dancing the night away with the family.

Me with my loot!

Gilby 'n me getting ready for the first round of parades!

My favorite shot of Gilbert from Canal St!

Party in the Elevator!

All gussied up for the wedding!

Da cousins!

Uncle Luis, Gilby and Bill at Napoleon's
 Hit Read More to see the UK pics!

Like I said, we had a lot of great times in 2016.  The pivotal point I think was selling Variety Blinds and Shutters, packing our bags and gettin' the heck outta dodge for 21 freakin' days!  We flew in the start of August from Austin to Glasgow, Scotland and were met by Tia Tina and Phil at the airport.

Haulin' it to Arrochar!
The guys discussing 80's rock while listening to Ozzy on vinyl

We stayed at their gorgeous B&B, Ashfield House in Arrochar, for four days.  I had gotten my bottom wisdom teeth removed five weeks before our trip, and was still having to tend to it and eat soft foods. I'd had an infection previous to the surgery that made the recovery slow, but Tia Tina and Phil accommodated us so well and I healed up shortly after we left their place!

Our amazing food at Inver on Loch Fyne
We ate at an amazing restaurant called Inver on Loch Fyne, and I swear there are pieces of my soul in the way this place is decorated and the overall feel of the space.  It was peaceful, homey and absolutely the best food we had while we were there.  Everything was made in-house: the sloe gin, the bread, and MAN was it good!  They were even playing Crosby, Stills, Nash and Young!

Inside the lounge in Inver

We spent a day driving to Oban, hanging around the town on a rainy day, then heading back and stopping for pictures all along the way.  The food, again, was freakin' awesome and we had a good time just shopping and exploring.

Hungry men await their meals

Oban in the rain

Phil and Tia Tina in Oban
One of the castles we stopped off to look at was Castle Stalker, out alone on an island on Loch Linnhe.  Apparently it's still privately owned by a family, and they put up a flag when they are in residence!

Two rainy kids with Castle Stalker behind us

Castle Stalker!
My beautiful Tia
We "walked" (they say "walk" instead of "hike" in UK) the Succoth Loop while in Arrochar, a short trail with great views of Loch Long and Arrochar as well as Succoth, the neighboring town.  We were again pretty fortunate with our weather while there, as it seems to clear up whenever we're around!
Loch Long at its head
Coming back into Succoth

One of several waterfalls along the walk

Waterfall selfie.. it had to be done!
Lunch in Helensburgh!
From Arrochar, we said our goodbyes after Phil and Tia Tina drove us to Helensburgh to catch a train to Edinburgh (pronounced more like "Edin-bruh"), where we stayed for three days during the Fringe Festival.  What a stark contrast from the quiet countryside of Arrochar!  There were five flippin' festivals happening in the city, with street performers, markets, and shows all over the place.  And people! 
Princes Street Gardens, Edinburgh
For such a large town, there is a lot of green space.  Architecturally this is one of the most amazing cities I've ever seen.  That Gothic building there in the center is a monument to Sir Walter Scott, the largest monument ever dedicated to a writer.
A bed of succulents and flowers

Old Edinburgh town on the left, stadium where the Military Tattoo is performed, and the Castle on the right!

Edinburgh at sunset

 We kind of just wandered around the first day, as my tooth pain was still pretty real and we kind of wanted to get our bearings.  The only plans we had while we were there was to see an opera during the festival.

Okay, it's like 1:30 in the morning, time for bed.  I'll do a second post on the rest of our trip to Scotland and N. Ireland tomorrow!


  1. Your blog made me feel like I was right there with you. Love the variety of photos. Good narrative too.

  2. Your blog made me feel like I was right there with you. Love the variety of photos. Good narrative too.

  3. Thanks for sharing this! so happy you are taking opportunities now! you know how I love you!
