Thursday, November 15, 2012

The Beach! The Beach!

The neighborhood cul-de-sac decided to take an October beach trip to escape the college town for a weekend.  We packed up our tents and jackets (was supposed to be, er, chilly) hoping for a good few days of roughing it on the sand.

To our dismay, a northerly Wind of Evil blew in at 20+ miles per hour, making it look, sadly, like the arctic the way the sand was gusting over the beach (too dark for photos without a tripod).  While pretty to look at, this does not make for optimal camping conditions and to say the least we were all, well, freezing.  After burning through a good amount of our campfire wood, we started debating how smart it was to come out here in the middle of freaking October, and how many beers it would take to assure a good night's sleep.

Luckily we found warm beds elsewhere (a friend was kind enough to take us in for a few nights so we didn't have to sleep on the mounds of sand that were piling up in our tents), and were able to return to the beach the next day without suffering through the cold night.

Brett and I decided to undertake building the Toltec pyramid of the sun, then smash the crap out of it!  This combined with some good friends, random conversation, bean soup, beer, and melty toasty delicious marshmallows made for a great second day.  Yay beach!  Here are some destruction photos for you to enjoy:

Thursday, November 8, 2012

The Scariest Post

This is always the unnerving part... creating your first bloggy blog entry!  Yet there are billions of us bloggers out there, all humming away on our keyboards, hoping, praying someone's going to find us on the big ol' internet and, better yet, find us interesting.

Enough blabbering.  Welcome.  I'm going to claim this little plot as my place to put my photos, place my camera flag in the virtual dirt and cry, "LOOK!"

Ehem, here's some stuff I've been fiddling around with.  Thanks to Frankie for the Photoshop :)

Soon to be parents...
Remington arrives.